Registration Application Form for search a Person.

If you submit the basic application information on the right, we will reply to the applicant's email for final registration after reviewing the basic information.

Please make clear the relationship between the registrant for person search and the applicant applying for this.Falsely creating a relationship with the registrant, and if such facts are discovered in the future, the registration information is permanently deleted and re-registration is not possible.

After receiving the e-mail from OPHDIC, the registrant's photo data can be sent as an attachment when sending an e-mail.Note that the size of the file you sent may be reduced due to the file size.
If you have any inquiry, please send email.   
Donation - PayPal
This site may exist forever by your voluntary donation.
We don't have a set amount of donations, and we would appreciate it if you could participate in a small amount (USD5~).We look forward to your participation in many voluntary donations.

Applicant's Name.

Please write the name of the person who is submitting the registration information.

Applicant's Email address.

Applicant's Mobile Phone number

Relationship with the person to be registered in the Person Dictionary.

* Please select or write the correct relationship with the person who will be registered.

Registrant's Name

Please write the information of the person to be registered in the OPHDIC.

Registrant's Gender

Registrant's Birth Year

Registrant's Death Year

Personal History

*Please write within 3 lines. / Personal information, biography, career, educational content, etc. that you want to record.

Common words or wills

*Please write within 3 lines.

Privacy Policy

1. Purpose of collecting and using personal information A. Service Provision Personal information is processed (collected and used) for the purpose of providing services, such as providing information for searching people in the OPHDIC - Ordinary Person's History Archives, and providing information for registering information for searching people. 2. Data of personal information to collect and use -Information and items that the applicant is allowed to search for all users, such as name, gender, year of birth, year of death, nationality, biography, etc. -Person's name, email address, mobile phone, relationship between applicant and registrant, and supporting documents 3. Period of retention and use of personal information - Personal information file name: Information of person search registrants and information of applicants for person search registration - period of retention and use of information: -- Person search registration information will be used until the end of the site service. -- The applicant's information (name, e-mail, mobile phone number) for registering a person search will be destroyed at the request of the applicant after registration. 4. Personal information collected for the protection of user's personal information is encrypted and processed. * The user has the right to refuse the consent to collect and use the personal information. (However, if you do not agree to collect and use personal information, you cannot proceed with the person search registration application process or register the service concerned.)

‌send the Application